Post a job, learn new digital skills!
Our teaching method also promotes collaborative work and development of communication skills, 2 essential assets for a successful professional integration.
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Paid internships
Several students are looking for an internship to complete during their training. These students have completed a few courses and acquired enough knowledge and trust to work under sponsorship and supervision, to perform tasks in relation to completed courses.
We suggest that you limit interns to a schedule of no more than 20 hours/week and indicate the salary offered in order to facilitate work-study balance.
Independent workers
Some students and graduates accept mandates as autonomous workers. These students are at the end of their training or have graduated, they have acquired knowledge in each aspect of your digital strategy and will be able to work under supervision in collaboration with your team.
We suggest that the parties enter into a detailed written agreement, covering the essential elements (example: date, duration, service fees, equipment, confidentiality, non-competition, location, etc.).
Regular, part-time and full-time positions
Graduates have successfully completed all courses of the AEC-Marketing training digital, passed all the tests and participated in dozens of practical projects which allowed them to familiarize themselves with a full range of digital tools among the most efficient and the most widespread. These students are looking for roles of full-time or part-time responsibilities and will quickly be able to integrate into your team.
We suggest that you attach a detailed description of the duties and responsibilities of the position displayed, as well as an indication of the remuneration offered.