Why Students in Digital Marketing Training Should Know About Audience Segmentation

Want to get a better understanding of the audience you’re trying to sell to? Then you’ll want to focus on audience segmentation. Essentially, the concept of audience segmentation revolves around dividing a target demographic into groups by distinguishing each of them through different characteristics. This will help you form subgroups toward whom you can send more user-specific messaging. 

If you’re wondering how effective audience segmentation is, consider this: a survey by Mailchimp suggests that segmented email campaigns yield around 101% more clicks than a non-segmented campaign would. 

Personalizing your clients’ experience with your brand is a major pillar of strong customer retention, and segmenting your audience into distinct groups can go a long way in accomplishing this. Segmentation can also help you build better connections with your target audience, and understand more about how they think. Here’s a closer look at why audience segmentation matters so much in the world of digital marketing.

The Different Ways Digital Marketers Can Segment Their Audience

During your digital marketing career, audience segmentation can be based on various criteria: online behaviour (buying habits, where they find your brand), demographics (age group, yearly income, gender identity), geography (the location of the user), and psychographics (values, personality types, lifestyles, interests). You can also segment users based on the social media channels they use the most often while interacting with your business. Segmenting your audience with these criteria in mind will help you maximize those groups’ engagement with the products or services your company offers. Doing this can help you drive up conversation rates, find new leads, and improve your client retention numbers.

You can segment your audience based on various factors that influence their buying decisions

Why Audience Segmentation Matters In Your Digital Marketing Career

Dividing your audience into appropriate categories is important for personalization and real-time engagements. In addition, it also allows you to create and market content that directly appeals to your audience. If you’re able to do this successfully after your digital marketing training, you can keep clients interested and retain them. Better yet, you won’t have to try producing bland content that attempts to please every single group at once. For any inbound marketing initiative, segmenting your audience into multiple smaller groups makes you more easily able to meet the needs and desires of your clients, and build relationships with them based on how they respond to your personalized messaging.

By personalizing your messaging, you can make yourself more likely to convert leads

Refining your brand-to-client experience this way can also help give you increased relevance among consumers, and increase your odds of turning leads into buyers. Moreover, consumers don’t like it when brands don’t personalize their content or messaging for them. 74% of consumers report feeling frustrated over a lack of personalized website content, and 71% also feel frustrated when they don’t have a personalized shopping experience. With this in mind, be sure to effectively segment your audience so that you can properly personalize their experience. Try different segmentation strategies to see what works, continue refining your messaging until you get results, and use it to help you convert more leads into customers.

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